I'm really excited that TpT is having a quick sale tomorrow. I was on vacation during the last sale and so I missed out on a bunch of goodies!

Tonight I'm linking up with Aileen and Amy to update you on my store since the last sale PLUS tell you what I can't wait to get my hands on during this sale.
First, since the last sale I've been working hard on several different files. The biggest update is this set of rhythmic interactive games. This fun game will be a great review in your classrooms and I can't wait to try it with my students this week. You can check out the bundle in my store by clicking the pictures below (Note: I'm adding to this tonight still, so make sure to check back often to see if I've added more individual games):

Now for some things I'm hoping to snag from the sale. I have a sweet treats/bakery theme at one of my schools this year and I could find multiple uses for this cute clip art. You can add these things to your wishlist by clicking on the pictures:

That's all for now! Have a great night and happy shopping!