The back of my room is normally the first thing I decorate. I have two bulletin boards with tack-able wall around it.

The one bulletin board reads "Can You flap owl the rhythms?". I have a background of bright green fabric that I purchased last year. The print outs can be purchased from Jena Hudson at Sew Much Music. I made the tree branches and trunk from brown butcher paper. I crinkled it up a bit to give it a more natural look. Then for the border I used crepe paper streamers.

Above this bulletin board I have more clip art from Whimsy Clips. After printing these cute school owls out, I added music related symbols and terms to make them fit in a bit more.

The other bulletin board reads "I Give a HOOT about Music". I purchased this bulletin board from Cara at Miscellaneous Me. This is a cute and simple advocacy board.

Now for the front of the room:

This adorable banner was a find from Music with Miss W. This banner says Making Music Owl Together. It is such a simple yet eye catching element to the front of my room.

My kodaly hand signs posters were made by me. If you are interested in them, let me know! I may add them to my shop.

I used the burlap roll to make my Positives Only clip chart into a tree. If you want to read more about how I use my clip chart in my classroom read THIS POST. If you are interested in using a positives only clip chart and/or would like to purchase this one or my cupcake themed one, please let me know.

Finally, I have my Music Street and Rules on the whiteboard. My whiteboard here is magnetic, so the leaves are on magnets and can be pulled off to put in cute little owls that represent the solfege. (Leaves are clip art from Little Red and owls are clip art from One Stop Digital.)

One side of my classroom has all these nice cupboards with my vocabulary posters. You can purchase these posters in my Teachers Pay Teachers Store.

Finally, check out my door. This door was made using clip art from Whimsy Clips and Glitter Meets Glue

Ok, well that is all for now! Hope you enjoyed seeing all the pictures. I'd love to hear your thoughts on my room in the comments below!